The success of Bitcoin has inspired many investors to trade in the process. Some people have truly attempted to replicate or enhance Bitcoin’s money-related technology. But some are there who do nothing else than frauds and preying on Bitcoin’s popularity. Altcoins appear to pose a threat to Bitcoin in a number of ways. On the other hand, Bitcoin has a few fundamental characteristics that trade altcoin do not have. Some of the features are recognizability and network effects.
What Makes Bitcoin Unique Among Other Projects?
- Recognizability and Network Effects
Bitcoin is benefited with the advantage that it was the first one that came into existence and was also the successful one. This is the reason why it grabs most of the developer’s attention. It has grown into a vast, diversified community in the last twelve years. The network of Bitcoin is significantly more extensive than any other cryptocurrency in the world. It is higher in terms of hash rate, market valuation and volume. It is made up of thousands of servers from everywhere around. Despite the familiarity of numerous trade altcoin corporate logos, Bitcoin market domination provides a distinctive brand.
- Consistency and Lindy Effects
Bitcoin has had the highest availability of any technology or organization. Bitcoin has been there in the market and has been available to investors since 2013. Even Google and other social media platforms have not acquired this degree of trustworthiness. Bitcoin has even overcome foreign attacks, government prohibitions and internal disagreements about the protocol’s path. Bitcoin has seen significant price swings and has become less volatile over time. Bitcoin is one such cryptocurrency that has been around for more than a decade now. Many investors and post opponents see Bitcoin’s lengthy survival as a positive indication.
- Antifragility
Bitcoin has become more durable in several respects throughout the course of its twelve-year lifespan. Satoshi Nakamoto is the one who has invented Bitcoin. He handed over the power to a looser group of young developers. Since then, there has been a sustained trend towards decentralization. Bitcoin is made up of a number of nodes and miners. No government or any other agency can close down the working of Bitcoin because it is an independent system.
Do Altcoin Prices Cause Bitcoin Inflation?
Altcoins are totally different from Bitcoins. Their performances differ from each other. The trade altcoin is a separate asset from Bitcoin, and they do not generate inflation. Similarly, IPO does not cause current equities to rise in value. This is due to the fact that Bitcoin is a one-of-a-kind asset that cannot be exchanged for other coins. While additional crypto currencies can be launched and can increase their supply but no other coin can be added to the supply of Bitcoin. As a result, only twenty-one million Bitcoins exists in the industry.
Bitcoin includes a number of advantages that is not present in any other cryptocurrencies. That is why; it is regarded as a number among others. Investors will not have to worry about their money are it is a secure platform.